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Wednesday 23 February 2011

US tries to get Americans out of Libya

09:16 |

A History of Modern LibyaThe Associated Press: US tries to get Americans out of Libya: "The U.S. will try again Wednesday to evacuate American citizens from Libya, this time by ferry, as concerns rise about longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi's unpredictable behavior.
As security forces unleashed a bloody crackdown on protesters demanding Gadhafi's ouster, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton called the violence 'completely unacceptable.'
'We believe that the government of Libya bears responsibility for what is occurring and must take actions to end the violence,' Clinton said Tuesday.
But as it sought to safely extricate U.S. diplomats and other Americans from the spreading chaos, the Obama administration stopped short of criticizing Gadhafi personally or demanding that he step down. U.S. officials who spoke to the matter publicly on Tuesday, including Clinton, would not mention Gadhafi by name.
Unease over the safety of U.S. citizens intensified after attempts to get some out on Monday and Tuesday were unsuccessful. Late Tuesday, the State Department announced that American citizens would be evacuated from Libya by ferry to the Mediterranean island of Malta.
In a notice sent to U.S. citizens in Libya, the department said Americans wishing to leave the country should be at the As-shahab port in Tripoli with their passports starting at 9 a.m. local time Wednesday for a departure no later than 3 p.m. local time."

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