Female War Reporters
Under Sexual Attack Overseas? All The Time - Caroline Howard - Social Medea - Forbes: "As a journalist who covered conflict for 20 years, some of it alongside Lara Logan, I read about the sexual attack on the CBS correspondent with horror. Being set upon by a mob has to be one of the worst occupational hazards anyone can face.
But what is unusual about this appalling incident is not that it happened, but that Logan decided to go public about it.
Sexual violation of female reporters is far more common than most news editors realize, and many women fear it more than death. Yet few of them have ever talked about it openly. It’s the last remaining taboo in the profession, like trauma used to be.
A cursory study I conducted a few years back revealed about a dozen cases of severe sexual assault over a short period. Some of these women were prominent media figures, like Logan. However, only two of them reported the abuse to their bosses.
The others remained silent, either out of shame or because they feared that assignments would cease. At a time of shrinking foreign budgets, no one wants to be pulled off the job because they are seen as a liability."
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