is bidding to bring in new customers with Isas paying more than 3%. This attractive offer is just one of a number of best-buy products being offered by the Spanish-owned bank. So why is it that Money receives so many complaints about its customer service?
Our 'consumer champions' column on the back page is full of gripes about money that goes missing at banks, broadband breakdowns, utility failures and investments gone sour.
Occasionally we feature a reader's problem involving Santander. But, in truth, we could feature Santander every week. We don't, because we think it would be boring. But, in reality, Money receives more complaints about Santander than any other bank, and sometimes more than all the others put together.
It's difficult to pin down a single issue; sometimes it's about delays in transferring an Isa, at other times it's about accounts being frozen for security reasons which then take ages to unblock. Many are quite low-level grumbles, and sometimes, of course, the reader is wrong and Santander is right. But one thing appears to unite complainants: a sense that no one is willing to take ownership of the problems, with customers, instead, bounced from pillar to post."
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