
News from Spain
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Friday 18 March 2011

Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi bombarded the rebel-held town of Misrata in western Libya on Friday with heavy weapons, Al Arabiya satellite television reported.

09:29 |

Forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi bombarded the rebel-held town of Misrata in western Libya on Friday with heavy weapons, Al Arabiya satellite television reported.

"The bombardment started about two or three hours ago, and has continued until now," Saadoun al-Misrati, a member of an anti-Gaddafi movement, told Al Arabiya, saying it was a heavy bombardment using tanks and heavy artillery targeting civilians.

Al Arabiya also said there were an unspecified number of killed and wounded in the attack.

Rebels in Misrata, the last big opposition stronghold in western Libya, had earlier said they were preparing for a new attack on Thursday and had rejected reported offers from the government to negotiate their surrender

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