
News from Spain
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Thursday 31 March 2011

panic in Barcelona Zoo on Wednesday morning after two wolves, both females, a four year old adult and her pup, escaped from their cage.

14:14 |

There was panic in Barcelona Zoo on Wednesday morning after two wolves, both females, a four year old adult and her pup, escaped from their cage.

The youngest was captured just a few minutes later, but the adult female was missing for more than an hour and it was feared that she had managed to escape outside the zoo. The local police and the Mossos d’Esquadra were called in to help the staff of the zoo in their search for the missing animal.

There were some 900 visitors in the zoo when the alarm was raised, including 17 groups of schoolchildren. The zoo was closed to the public and all the visitors were taken to a safe area, El País reports.

The alarm was called off when the second animal was finally spotted hiding near her cage. She appears to have taken fright when a new antelope was brought into the zoo and installed in the cage next to the wolves. She jumped over the fence and was followed by her daughter.

A group of five Iberian wolves arrived at the zoo in December from Montpellier, France, as part of the centre’s captive breeding programme.

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