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Friday 18 March 2011

Police have charged two more people in the killing of Brandon Hatcher, which they say was part of a continuing battle between two Halifax gangs.

13:10 |

Police have charged two more people in the killing of Brandon Hatcher, which they say was part of a continuing battle between two Halifax gangs.

"With these charges today and any additional charges that follow . . . we have disrupted the activities of two competing youth gangs in the Spryfield area," RCMP Insp. Ken Goodine told reporters at a news conference Wednesday.

Halifax Regional Police and RCMP announced that major crime investigators had arrested and charged two more people with first-degree murder in the death of Hatcher, a 20-year-old Halifax man who was gunned down on Dec. 3, 2010, outside a home in the 100 block of Lavender Walk in Spryfield.

Cody Alexander Muise was arrested Saturday morning at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility in Dartmouth, where he was in custody on other matters. The 21-year-old Halifax man appeared briefly in Halifax provincial court Wednesday afternoon and will return March 30 to set a date for a preliminary inquiry.

Duty counsel John Black told Judge Marc Chisholm that he had received only a couple of pages of Crown disclosure so far, and the disclosure package didn’t include cellphone records and text messages mentioned in the list of disclosure.

Muise, sporting close-cropped hair and wearing a blue shirt, jeans and black sneakers, sat with his hands clasped in his lap or his arms crossed during his appearance.

Police also arrested a boy, 17, last Thursday at the Nova Scotia Youth Facility in Waterville, where he is incarcerated on another matter. The teenager, who cannot be identified under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, appeared in Halifax youth court this morning and will return April 5 to enter a plea.

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