
News from Spain
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Sunday 19 June 2011

Four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter have been injured in Afghanistan in an attack on a ‘Lince’ Spanish armoured vehicle.

02:19 |

The Ministry for Defence says that two of the injured from the light infantry regiments Soria Nº9 and Palma Nº47, lieutenant A,G,B and soldier J.G.L. have each had one of their legs amputated. Soldier A.Q.S. suffered injuries including a broken leg and has undergone surgery with two others in the Role 2 Hospital in Bala Marghab. Some of the injured are expected to be transferred to hospital in Kandahar.

They were travelling with a Lince armoured vehicle which was equipped with a frequency inhibitor close to the town of Ludina.
The vehicle was attacked on the dangerous so-called ‘lithium route’.

Spanish troops have been operating since last year in Afghanistan with the new armoured vehicles RG-31 and the partially armoured Lince. Both these have replaced the old BMR which were fiercely criticised as not offering protection against mines and improvised explosive devices.

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