
News from Spain
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Wednesday 1 June 2011

Spain's king lashes out at reporters

20:41 |

Spain's King Juan Carlos was visibly annoyed when reporters began inquiring about the state of his health, officials said.

The subject of the king's health came up Tuesday at a meeting of the Business Confederation of Madrid at the La Zarzuela palace. Spanish reporters asked him about his health in light of an operation he had last year and his impending knee surgery Saturday at a Barcelona hospital, El Pais reported.

"You are determined to say that I'm feeling awful. You would like to kill me and bury me every day," said Juan Carlos.

The Spanish king had surgery last May to remove a benign tumor from one of his lungs. Press coverage of the ruler's hospitalization was intense.

The decision to undergo knee surgery was decided weeks ago, but the royal palace delayed the announcement until after the May 22 elections.


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