
News from Spain
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Saturday 28 May 2011

Ibiza fire 'much more controlled'

15:10 |

Letters from the Hive: An Intimate History of Bees, Honey, and Humankindfire affecting the NE of Ibiza continued to burn on Saturday, three days after it broke out on Wednesday after an Argentinean man allegedly got into difficulties when smoking bee hives in the area.

The authorities say that although still active, the blaze is ‘much more controlled’, and they have reduced the amount of land calculated to have been affected to 1,440 hectares.

A fall in the wind and the forecast for rain is also helping in the fight to put out the fire, and no further evacuations have been needed in addition to those which took place on Thursday and Friday when between 220 and 250 people were evacuated from 100 homes, and some 700 tourists were reallocated from a local hotel.

Some 500 people have been taking part in the extinction, including soldiers, firemen, technicians, volunteers, police and the civil guard. 20 fire-fighting planes and helicopters have been used in the operation, with some reinforcements being sent from Valencia.

It’s hoped the blaze can be described as under control on Sunday.

On Thursday night, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office has issued travel advice regarding the fire which is affecting the NE of Ibiza.
It notes that the Spanish authorities are currently dealing with the fire and evacuating people as needed, and that there have been no injuries. It says the areas affected are Portinatx, Cala San Vicente, San Juan, Sierra de Marna and Es Figueral, and that wind is making fighting the blaze unpredictable.
Consular staff have liaised with Tour Operators who have contingency plans in place should evacuation be required. Spanish police are implementing road blocks to control access to areas in immediate danger.
Anyone intending to travel to the affected area of Ibiza should check with their tour operator or accommodation provider to get a latest update before travelling.

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