
News from Spain
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Saturday 28 May 2011

Woman takes husband to court in Lleida for alleged abuse and only allowing her to go out in a full-body veil

15:09 |

27 year old Moroccan man, named as Jamal D., is on trial in court in Lleida in charges brought against him by his wife for alleged psychological and physical abuse. He faces a possible sentence of three and a half years in prison.

The wife claims that she was told by her husband, after the couple moved to La Seu d’Urgell, Lleida, two years ago after an arranged marriage in Morocco, that she could go only go out into the street in a full-body veil and was forbidden from learning Spanish.

El País reports that the prosecutor considers the accused kept his wife under ‘a reign of terror’ for the past two years. She told the court that he controlled all her movements, that she was beaten and insulted on a regular basis, and that her husband threatened to throw her over the balcony on one occasion.

The accused denied the accusations in court, claiming that his wife’s ‘denuncia’ was a strategy to obtain a divorce without having to return the dowry paid to her family. His defence argued for his acquittal for lack of proof.


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