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Sunday 12 June 2011

Arrested a 70 year old man for trying to abduct two girls in a shopping mall

23:56 |

A man in his 70 years has been arrested for allegedly trying to take two girls in the Rose Garden shopping center. Initially, you will be charged an alleged illegal detention, 
The incident occurred around seven pm on Tuesday. The two children aged between five and seven years, were at the establishment with an aunt. At one point, taking advantage of the two girls were alone, the suspect approached them and would have asked them to leave with him.
The man allegedly started walking toward the door with two small hand in hand. Then one of them began to kick and help. The man covered her mouth so he had to let the other girl, this took time to escape.
The minor ran until he saw a security guard who was shopping nearby. Asked for help and said that it wanted to take. The guard reacted quickly and caught the subject with the other girl. Apparently, still according to the sources, the man tried to apologize saying that both were with him.
The security employee detained the suspect and alerted the National Police, which sent a patrol to the site to clarify what happened. After verifying that small had been the center accompanied by a relative, and they did not know of anything that man, he was arrested for an alleged illegal detention. He was taken to the dungeons of the Provincial Police Station, where it has opened an investigation.
According to information from Vastned, one of the companies that own the mall, the guard's intervention could frustrate a "possible abduction attempt." "The company can only show their appreciation for the success of our protocol security that has been able to avoid an incident that perhaps could have grave consequences," said in a statement to this newspaper.
Sources for this company, who chairs the residents' center, confirmed that the CCTV cameras also revealed that the detainee had been a while loitering around the premises before allegedly trying to take the two girls. Other sources added that the images he is seen approaching other children.


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