
News from Spain
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Friday 3 June 2011

Spain's king in hospital for knee op

13:48 |

Spain's widely loved 73-year-old king, Juan Carlos I, entered hospital Friday for surgery on his painful right knee, the royal household said.
The operation to restore movement and reduce pain in the knee is known as artheroplasty and can involve a complete joint replacement, but the palace has given no further details.
"His Majesty the King entered the San Jose Clinic of the city of Madrid at 7.50 am (0550 GMT) where during the morning an artheroplasty will be performed on his right knee," a palace statement said.
The results would be released to media after the operation by the head of the hospital surgical team Angel Villamor and by the king's personal physician Avelino Barros, it said.
The royal household announced plans for the operation May 30, saying the king suffered "joint pains on the right knee that make his usual physical activity difficult."
The joint pain was the result of "old injuries caused by his sporting activity", it said. The king is a great lover of sailing and has had skiing accidents in the past.
News of the planned surgery led to a flurry of questions about the king's health from Spain's journalists, provoking an outburst from the monarch that was widely reported in the Spanish press.
"I am feeling terrible, as you can see," the king said when asked how he felt by journalists the day after the operation had been announced.
"What you like to do is kill me," said Juan Carlos. "This what you in the press are doing."
Born January 5, 1938 in Rome, Juan Carlos was proclaimed king November 22 1975, two days after the death of General Francisco Franco who had designated him as successor since 1969.


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