
News from Spain
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Friday 3 June 2011

Germany, Spain Agree to Seek Aid for Farmers

10:00 | ,

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero have agreed that Germany and Spain will try to get aid on a European Level for farmers affected by the deadly Escherichia coli outbreak in Germany.

Ms. Merkel, in a phone call to Mr. Zapatero Thursday, expressed her understanding about the economic stress that the Spanish vegetable sector has come under due to consumer backlash related to the outbreak, a German government release said late Thursday.

Spain's government earlier this week said it may seek compensation from Germany on the grounds that Spanish vegetable exporters were unfairly blamed for the unusual E.coli outbreak that caused the deaths of at least 17 people in Northern Europe, mostly in Germany.

The source of the outbreak, which has hit at least 11 European countries, remains unknown but authorities believe it comes from infected produce and warned people to avoid eating raw lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Countries including Russia and Belgium have continued to ban imports of some Spanish agricultural products.

A Spanish farming lobby earlier this week said Spanish farmers stand to lose as much as €200 million ($287 million) a week if recent measures against Spanish agricultural products aren't removed. Fernando Marcén, head of Agricultural Cooperatives, a Spanish farmers' group, on Tuesday said the outbreak is endangering 70,000 jobs in the country, which already has the highest unemployment rate in the developed world, at 21.3%. The poorer agricultural regions of Andalusia and Valencia have been most affected, he said.

In 2010, Spain exported €11.8 billion in fresh vegetables and fruits, accounting for 6.3% of total Spanish exports. Exports had risen strongly through April, the latest data available, as international demand for Spanish products helped the euro zone's fourth-largest economy stave off stagnation.

The withdrawal of agricultural products from the market is also affecting German farmers, who are losing around €30 million a week in sales, according to the German Farmers' Association.

Ms. Merkel and Mr. Zapatero agreed that identifying the source of the infection is a priority in order to take measures to protect the population, the statement said.

Germany, Spain Agree to Seek Aid for Farmers

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